Research opportunities  

Prospective postdocs are encouraged to apply for a variety of fellowships to do research with us. Please send a copy of your curriculum vitae along with a brief description of your research interests to Professor Niemack if you are interested in applying for fellowships, such as:

        NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships (US citizens)
        NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowships (Canadian citizens)
        Cornell Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowships and other Cornell Fellowships
        Cornell Klarman Postdoctoral Fellowships
        Kavli Institute for Nanoscale Science at Cornell Postdoctoral Fellowships
        Einstein Postdoctoral Fellowship
        Hubble Postdoctoral Fellowship

Prospective graduate students are welcome to send inquiries about research opportunities or fellowship applications to Professor Niemack along with information about your background, such as a curriculum vitae. Before or after being admited to Cornell graduate students may apply for research fellowships, including:

        NSF Graduate research fellowships (US citizens)
        NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities (US citizens)
        National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (US citizens)
        NSERC graduate fellowships (Canadian citizens)

Cornell undergraduates may apply to do research during the academic year or during the summer. Students who start during the academic year are often asked to commit to continuing research for at least part of a summer, which provides the opportunity to work full time on research. If you are interested, please send a copy of your resume or curriculum vitae including: a description of technical skills, relevant physics, engineering, computer science, or astronomy courses, and a copy of your transcript to Professor Niemack. No prior research experience is required, though it may help secure a position.

Undergraduates from other institutions may apply for summer research opportunities through any of the following programs. There are also several programs offering research opportunities at institutions we collaborate with on the Atacama Cosmology Telescope.

        Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Program
        Summer Research for Community College Students (SRCCS) Program
        CLASSE Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program
        Simons Observatory National Society of Black Physicists Summer Research Program
        Cornell Astronomy Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program