News and Reports  

Cody Duell defends his PhD thesis! - 2024
Dr. Yaqiong Li leads the first blind search for astronomical transients in ACT data - 2023
Anna Ho joins the Cornell Astronomy Department - 2022
Simons Observatory Large Aperture Telescope trial assembly is nearly complete in Germany - 2022
Eve Vavagaikis is awarded a NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship to pursue research at Cornell - 2021
National Science Foundation funds the development of a 350 GHz instrument module for the Prime-Cam receiver - 2021
Abby Crites joins Cornell Physics - 2021
Eve Vavagaikis and Nick Cothard both defend their PhD theses! - 2021
New measurements of galaxy cluster motions and properties led by Cornell grad students Eve Vavagaikis and Victoria Calafut - 2021
Our first outreach animation goes live - 2020
Jason Stevens defends his PhD thesis! - 2020
Great participation at the CCAT-prime virtual collaboration meeting - 2020
Patricio Gallardo defends his PhD thesis! - 2019
Niemack receives graduate student mentoring award - 2019
Brian Koopman defends his PhD thesis! - 2018
Steve Choi joins Cornell as one of the first Presidential Postdoctoral Fellows - 2018
Nick Battaglia joins Cornell Astronomy Faculty - 2018
Niemack named "Young Scientist" by World Economic Forum - 2018
CCAT-prime press release that we are going to build this exciting new facility! And a longer article about the project - 2017
Graduate student Nicholas Cothard is awarded a NASA NSTRF Fellowship - 2017
New ACTPol + BOSS pairwise kSZ measurements published - 2017
Designs for a telescope to map the CMB 10x faster than any current observatories published in Applied Optics - 2016
Niemack receives NSF CAREER Award - 2015
New pairwise kSZ analysis tools developed and posted on arXiv - 2014
First ACTPol Results published! An overview can be found here - 2014
NASA Astrophysics 30 year Roadmap published - 2013
Graduate student Brian Koopman is awarded a NASA NSTRF Fellowship - 2013
ACT's detection of the kSZ effect named as one of the breakthroughs of 2012 by Physics World - 2012

Online Press and Interviews  

Interview with Lisa Kaltenegger about the eclipse - 2024
Advanced Simons Observatory is funded! - 2023
Gizmodo covers recent ACT results led by Cornell postdoc Steve Choi! - 2021
ACT weighs in on the Hubble constant debate - 2020
Article about our first outreach animation - 2020
Local Simons Observatory article about the new telescopes we are building - 2018
Video about Simons Observatory and inflationary science with CMB polarization - 2017
ACT detection of CMB lensing highlighted as landmark paper in Physical Review celebration of general relativity's centennial - 2015
Mapping Dark Matter with CMB measurements - 2015
5 crazy cool things Cornell professors are doing - 2014
Big Black Holes Can Block New Stars: using ACT SZ measurements to probe feedback - 2014
Cornell Cosmology Interview with Liam McAllister and others - 2014
Google Hangout on Dark Energy from the ACT site! - 2013
Roundtable on Dark Energy with the Kavli Foundation - 2013